Flutter Open Souce Libraries
App Architecture
- nylo_framework | Flutter Package
- Micro-framework for Flutter that's built to simplify app development for Flutter projects.
- 67likes
- Documentation is good
State Management
- flutter_mobx | Flutter Package
- Flutter integration for MobX. It provides a set of Observer widgets that automatically rebuild when the tracked observables change.
- 627likes
- reactter
- A light, powerful and quick Reactive State Management, Dependency Injection and Event Management.
- 41likes
- xyz_pod:
- XYZ Pod is a Flutter package designed to streamline and enhance state management in Flutter applications. It's based on Flutter's ValueNotifier.
- signals
- Reactivity made simple. Do more by doing less. Supports Flutter and any Dart project including HTML/JS, CLI, Shelf Server, VM and more.
- rxdart | Dart package
- RxDart is an implementation of the popular reactiveX api for asynchronous programming, leveraging the native Dart Streams api.
- 2426likes
- freezed
- Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.
- 3324likes
- go_router | Flutter Package
- A declarative router for Flutter based on Navigation 2 supporting deep linking, data-driven routes and more
- 3770likes
- puby | Dart package
- Run commands in all projects in the current directory. Handle monorepos with ease.
- 31likes
UI Widget
- easy_refresh
- A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load.
- 311likes
- sliver_sticky_collapsable_panel:
- A Sliver implementation of sticky collapsable panel, with a box header rebuild on status and a sliver child as panel content.
- timeline_tree
- A timeline tree that displays events or activities.
- flutter_fancy_tree_view | Flutter package
- A collection of widgets and slivers that helps bringing hierarchical data to life.
- 179likes
- image_picker | Flutter Package
- Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.
- 6082likes
- easy_image_viewer
- An easy image viewer with pinch & zoom, multi image, and built-in full-screen dialog support.
- 183likes
- flutter_svg_provider:
- Generate image provider from svg path, uses flutter_svg and http (for network paths) as a dependency.
- fl_chart | Flutter Package
- A highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.
- 5025likes
- syncfusion_flutter_charts
- A Flutter Charts library which includes data visualization widgets such as cartesian and circular charts, to create real-time, interactive, high-performance, animated charts.
- 2831likes
- flutter_graph_view | Flutter package
- Widgets for beautiful graphic data structures, such as force-oriented diagrams.
- 18likes
- custom_text | Flutter Package
- Highly customisable text widget and controller to enable styling and gesture actions.
- 35likes
- typeset | Flutter Package
- Whatsapp like text styling for you! -- Bold, Italic, Underline and more -- Drive your text style through Backend!
- 21likes
- shirne_dialog | Flutter Package
- A flutter package to use alert, confirm, prompt, toast, popup, snack, imagePreview, loading etc. with customizable style in anywhere.
- 28likes
- awesome_alert | Flutter package
- This package allows you to create your alerts in a customized and simple way. There are ready-made templates such as loading or image loading, but you can also create your own custom alert.
- 9likes
- flutter_smart_dialog:
- An elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Easily implement Toast, Loading and custom Dialog, Make the use of the dialog easier!
progress bar
- primer_progress_bar:
- Unofficial Flutter implementation of the progress bar defined in GitHub Primer Design System.
- load_switch
- A highly customizable toggle switch with a loading state. Useful when getting data from remote calls.
- iconoir_flutter:
- Flutter library for Iconoir, the biggest open source icon library with tons of free icons.
Date & Time UI
- slide_countdown | Flutter Package
- A Flutter package to create easy slide animation countdown / countup timer.
- 285likes
- weekly_date_picker | Flutter Package
- A weekly date picker where you can scroll between weeks and select a date.
- 60likes
Complex UI Widget
- flutter_osm_plugin | Flutter Package
- OpenStreetMap Plugin Native for flutter apps (Andoird/iOS/web)
- 343likes
- flutter_inappwebview | Flutter Package
- A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use an headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
- 2037likes
Video Player
- chewie | Flutter package
- A video player for Flutter with Cupertino and Material play controls
- 1870likes
- fvp | Flutter package
- video_player plugin and APIs for your own players. Support all desktop/mobile platforms. Hardware decoders, optimal renders. Supports most formats via FFmpeg
- 48likes
- hyper_effects | Flutter Package
- Create beautiful effects and animations with just a few lines of code.
- 46likes
- sqflite_common
- Dart wrapper on SQLite, a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, SQL database engine.
- postgres
- PostgreSQL database driver. Supports statement reuse and binary protocol and connection pooling.
- 263likes
- orm | Dart package
- Next-generation ORM for Dart & Flutter | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
- 174likes
- drift | Dart Package
- Drift is a reactive library to store relational data in Dart and Flutter applications.
- 1283likes
- objectbox
- Flutter database for super-fast NoSQL ACID compliant object persistence.
- 1074likes
- dio | Dart package
- A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc.
- 6776likes
- server_nano | Dart package
- A light, very fast, and friendly http and websocket server written in dart.
- 5likes
- 支持 websocket server
- emoji_picker_flutter
- A Flutter package that provides an Emoji picker widget with 1500+ emojis in 8 categories.
- 410likes
Project Management
- flutter_timetable
- Displays a timetable for dates and times on items in a list.
- 29likes
- flutter_boardview | Flutter Package
- This is a custom Flutter widget that can create a draggable BoardView or also known as a kanban. The view can be reordered with drag and drop.
- 4likes
- gantt_view | Flutter Package
- A Gantt Chart view for Flutter.
- 1like
- table_calendar | Flutter package
- Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter.
- syncfusion_flutter_calendar | Flutter Package
- The Flutter Calendar widget has nine built-in configurable views that provide basic functionalities for scheduling and representing appointments/events efficiently.
- 1221likes
- flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar | Flutter Package
- Simple and clean flutter calendar with ability to slide up/down to show weekly/monthly calendar. Fork of https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_clean_calendar
- 108likes
- custom_calendar_viewer
- Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.
- 15likes
- calendar_day_view | Flutter Package
- This package is dedicated to calendar day view. This is a complement to calendar to make your app better
- 24likes
- flutter_quill | Flutter Package
- A rich text editor built for the modern Android, iOS, web and desktop platforms. It is the WYSIWYG editor and a Quill component for Flutter.
- 1373likes
Scientific Computing
- ml_linalg | Dart Package
- SIMD-based linear algebra and statistics, efficient manipulation with numeric data
- 56likes
Desktop App
- bitsdojo_window | Flutter Package
- A package to help with creating custom windows with Flutter desktop (custom border, titlebar and minimize/maximize/close buttons) and common desktop window operations (show/hide/position on screen) for Windows and macOS
- 829likes
Time & Date
- jiffy | Dart Package
- Jiffy is a date time dart package for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates and time
- 827likes
- cron | Dart Package
- A time-based job scheduler similar to cron. Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals.
- 429likes
Hardware & OS
- battery_plus | Flutter Package
- Flutter plugin for accessing information about the battery state(full, charging, discharging).
- 333likes
- process_run | Dart Package
- Process run helpers for Linux/Win/Mac and which like feature for finding executables.
- 253likes
- system_info_fetch
- A library for get system info detail like ram or proccesor ram in dart support client side and server side.
- disk_space_update | Flutter Package
- A small Flutter plugin to display free and total disk space. It is an update to the disk_space plugin.
- 2likes
- flutter_to_debian | Dart Package
- A command application to help you easily bundle your flutter app build into a debian package ready for production.
- 26likes
- Dart | Windows
- A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required!
- 705likes
- path | Dart Package
- A string-based path manipulation library. All of the path operations you know and love, with solid support for Windows, POSIX (Linux and Mac OS X), and the web.
- 1282likes
- flutter_blue_plus | Flutter Package
- Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, and MacOS.
- 626likes
- flutter_splendid_ble:
- A comprehensive Flutter plugin for interacting with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.
- win_ble | Flutter Package
- Use the WinBle plugin to enable Bluetooth Low Energy in Flutter Windows and pure Dart projects (Windows only)
- 30likes
- camera_android_camerax | Flutter package
- Android implementation of the camera plugin using the CameraX library.
- 23likes
- camera_android | Flutter package
- Android implementation of the camera plugin.
- 9likes
- scaled_window | Flutter Package
- Render a widget/app at a custom resolution. Useful when developing for multiple environments.
- 3likes
- mic_stream
- A plugin to receive raw byte streams from a device's microphone. Audio is returned as
. - 83likes
- A plugin to receive raw byte streams from a device's microphone. Audio is returned as
- url_launcher | Flutter Package
- Flutter plugin for launching a URL. Supports web, phone, SMS, and email schemes.
- 6720likes
- app_links | Flutter Package
- Android App Links, Deep Links, iOs Universal Links and Custom URL schemes handler for Flutter (desktop included).
- 386likes
- flutter_keyboard_visibility | Flutter Package
- Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the soft-keyboard visibility on Android and iOS.
- 801likes
- pigeon_build_runner | Dart Package
- Seamlessly integrate pigeon with build_runner for efficient code generation and streamlined development.
- 4likes
- slang | Dart Package
- Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.
- 311likes
- async_extension | Dart package
- Dart async extensions, to help usage of Future, FutureOr and async methods. Also allows performance improvements when using sync and async code.
- 12likes
Dev Tools
Dev Env
- fvm | Dart package
- A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions per project. Support channels, releases, and local cache for fast switching between versions.
- 539likes
- log_chamber:
- A logging tool for Flutter applications that acts like a console window that can be seen inside the app.
Crash & Error
- [talker_flutter | Flutter Package](https://pub.dev/packages/talker_flutter
- Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.
- 204likes
- talker | Dart Package
- Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.
- 380likes
- blue_screen
- A BlueScreen widget replaces the default ErrorWidget used for Flutter apps.
- flutter_smartlook:
- Smartlook SDK wrapper for Flutter. Analyze user behavior in ways never possible before.
- dart_cognitive_complexity | Dart Package
- A cognitive complexity linter for Dart libraries or applications.
- 2likes
File formats
- pdfrx
- Yet another PDF renderer for Flutter using PDFium.
- markdown_widget
- A new markdown package. It supports TOC function, code highlighting, and it supports all platforms
- 191likes
- light_html_editor | Flutter Package
- A lightweight HTML editor for Flutter. Provides functionality to edit and parse simple HTML code.
- 11likes
Game DEV
- flame | Flutter Package
- A minimalist Flutter game engine, provides a nice set of somewhat independent modules you can choose from.
- 1702likes
- bonfire
- (RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame.
- 416likes
Programming Languages
- serious_python | Flutter Package
- A cross-platform plugin for adding embedded Python runtime to your Flutter apps.
- 31likes
- flutter_rust_bridge | Dart Package
- High-level memory-safe binding generator for Flutter/Dart <-> Rust
- 294likes
- json_dynamic_widget | Flutter Package
- A library to dynamically generate widgets within Flutter from JSON or other Map-like structures.
- 198likes
- xwidget | Flutter Package
- A package for building dynamic UIs in Flutter using an expressive, XML based markup language.
- 9likes
- xml_widget | Flutter Package
- A library that could parse xml file to flutter widgets, supporting color,style and theme, and dynamically change by script.
- 4likes
- flutter_duit | Flutter Package
- Server driver UI framework for Flutter. Allows you to update your cool UI without updating the app!
- 1likes
- dart_eval | Dart Package
- A flexible Dart bytecode compiler and interpreter written in Dart, enabling dynamic execution and code push for AOT Dart apps.
- 172likes
- queue_it | Dart package
- QueueIt makes dealing with queues easy. You can add multiple listeners, specify the number of concurrent items to process, view queue progress and more.
- 2likes
- flutter_deck | Flutter Package
- A lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-use framework to create presentations in Flutter.
- 110likes
- flutter_distributor | Dart package
- A complete tool for packaging and publishing your Flutter apps.
- 80likes
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